Contour Masterclass

Please check with me before booking this course that you are able to set a map, can identify the majority of symbols on an Ordnance Survey 1:25000 map and are able to follow a compass bearing.
Once you become a good interpreter of contour features the world is your oyster. We use 1:25000 OS maps and my own contour only maps at the same scale. We move from recognising ring contours as an anchor, and from there identify ridges, valleys and cols. Learn how to gauge the steepness of a slope and quickly determine whether your chosen path is going up or down. We’ll learn how to walk accurately on a bearing and use pre-emptive bearings – linking this to contour interpretation will revolutionise the way you choose your hikes and navigate.
Course Dates 2025
Sunday 13th April
Sunday 27th July
Course Fee £75
email to book
Other locations in the Chilterns and dates available for groups or by arrangement